
A thousand pearl-tinted feathers;

Enveloping like
soft pink clouds, 
Hazy with the caress of dawn

;The grand wingspan
Of a wing’d wyrm;  
Protective, safe

A space alive with light
- healing like the words of a goddess
That streaks the clouds from the sky
Like the dashing of a tear from a cheek

A tent of soft down
Bedded with cinnamon sticks
and honeycomb
The black honey
Of oil-slick
That oozes from behind the
Grimy scruff of feathers
The delicate pads of fingertips
Brushing over the soft skin
Of a blushed cheek                                        the peach rots
That yellows under 
Synthetic light
Hollow lamp-like eyes, That
rise from the black goo ;Pale yellow orbs hovering
like the decapitated lights of streetlamps -
The beacons of death
Or the tender pink
Of curled lips
Over ivory teeth
The tar rises about the flickering orbs,
forming ghastly silhouettes outside
: grim shadows of talons
and claws and cutting words,
backlit by the pale glow
of a thousand thousand eyes
that all Flicker outside of feathered walls
;monstrous shapes threaten ever closer
                                    A dream,
                           A dream,
    A dream,
The wind whispers through soft leaves
rattle of dry bones
, knives grating
Souls waking
A stir among the down
Disrupted sleep; a chick settles
back into
a warm embrace

Sighs disturb the feathered mass,
A single fig
Falls from the bushel

The delicate sweep
Of soft feathers drawn
over pressed eyelids

Limbs resting gently
;Entwined, warm.
Under the eternal wing
Of a roosting Goddess.

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